Indiana Employment Services

Contact your local VR Office to apply for services and work with a Goodwill Employment Specialist.

Kentucky Employment Specialist

Contact your local VR Office to apply for services and work with a Goodwill Employment Specialist.

We provide placement services to people with disabilities who are referred by Vocational Rehabilitation (VR) Counselors in Indiana and in Kentucky. Services are available based on individual's needs and as scheduled with Goodwill Employment Specialists.

If you have a disability and you are not already working with VR, contact your local VR office above. Once you apply for VR services, and are found eligible, you can request a referral to Goodwill for services. There are no fees for clients using Goodwill services through VR*.

  • Use assessment tools to figure out your career interests and aptitudes.
  • Identify your vocational goals and develop an individual employment plan to make your job search easier and more successful.
  • Spend less time looking for a job
  • Reduce your stress level when you are looking for a job.
  • Develop a resume and help you to learn the secrets of successful job interviews.
  • Meet employers who are interested in interviewing you.
  • Provide you with the follow-along services you need to keep your dream job once you find it.
  • *Goodwill is reimbursed for Employment Services through Vocational Rehabilitation.






During discovery, we work with you to figure out your interests, goals, and skills to help you find the right job for you.

Individual working in a kitchen.

Job Readiness





During the job readiness phase, we want to ensure you have the skills needed to apply for jobs, interview, and build your resume.

Individual teaching job readiness skills in a classroom setting.

Job Search





During job search, we work alongside you to apply for jobs and find the best fit for you.

Individual helping someone on a computer.

Mission In Action

The Story of Stuart Labhart